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Monday 27 February 2012

Pins n Things!

Evening all, this is the first of two posts for me today, my later one will have a card but this one is just to show what I got up to at the weekend. Saturday was going to be a lazy day but by the afternoon I was bored of doing nothing so I got out my bag of beads and decided to make some pins to go on my cards. These were all spare beads I'd bought ages ago and hadn't got round to using up. Am really pleased with how they look, not so much the pic I've taken (had to take it on my phone so it's not the best!). Hope you like them too! xx


  1. Beautiful pins Del. Lovely beads too. Lee x

  2. Really lovely pins Del. I'm very much into making my own pins now too.
    Caz x

  3. EILEEN DOCRAFTS10 March 2012 at 11:24

    Beautiful pins so love the colours xx
